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About me

My name is Ildar, I am BCI developer and EEG signal processing researcher I received my Ph.D. in 2015 in the hardware field. Over the years of writing my dissertation, I received several patents and presented my results at conferences in Canada and the Czech Republic. In 2017, shortly after receiving my Ph.D., I moved to Japan. I worked as an electronic research engineer in a research laboratory of Japan Machinery Company ( which develops laboratory equipment in Tokyo, Japan. Parallel with my activity in the laboratory, I spent all my time on neuroscience research, I was fortunate to collaborate with many scientists, and we developed research projects in BCI fields: especially hardware and software for eye-tracking, brain interface, stereovision devices,s and some other. The results of these projects were published. I am the first author, or I am the sole author in all the publications. 
For the last few years, I developed a few BCI devices, and the results were published in scientific journals. 
In March 2022 I moved to the United Kingdom, I involve in projects as a machine learning researcher at Herriot-Watt University in Edinburg. 

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